Friday, September 10, 2010

It's Not Over

9 years ago... the most tragic and vile thing happened to our great nation in a very long time.  We were attacked at our very soul... our ego shattered... and through our blackened eye.. we grieved for the loss of so many. 
All of us lost something that day... regardless of who you are.  Our country suffered and mourned together, joined by those of many other nations.  We all hurt... and with recent news.. our wounds have not yet healed, our scars are stil fresh.
That infamous day.. your Military mobilized rapidly... to protect our nation... to prevent any further attacks.. to bring to justice those responsible.  Mostly.. to make sure you could sleep at night... knowing they were there to stop those who wish evil upon us in their tracks.
9 years... and the troops are still there... still guarding... protecting... rebuilding...
The news has made a big deal about "The End of Combat Operations In Iraq"......

....all fine and dandy.....

Let me tell you... from eyes on the ground.... the fighting still continues... there is death every day.... Iraq is not magically a quiet, peaceful oasis.... there are still 50 thousand troops on the ground here... and they all carry weapons.  There are still Mortars and Rockets being launched into US bases daily.  There are still suicide bombers and IED's.... there are still car bombs... daily.. Iraqi civilians, Police, Soldiers, religious leaders... children... dying here.

Is it sad ?  Yes.. without a doubt...  My point is...

On this upcoming day... please remember... there are still thousands of troops in Iraq and Afghanistan... still pushing forward with the fight against the same terrorists that aimed to destroy our nation at it's foundations... They are still there... they are still in grave danger.. they are still fighting to rebuild nations... to provide the chance for a brighter future for people who have never had that glimmer of hope.

There are thousands of American civilians.. many who, like me, were prior military, serving yet again to protect and provide for those who protect us.

This is not over... far from it.... but it is getting better.... All I ask on this important day is...

Keep those who are still serving, regardless of capacity, in your thoughts...
Remember they are still there
regardless of what the news says

This fight is not over... and the one in Afghanistan is growing...

They will be here.... until it is
Sunset in Iraq... on the evening before Sept 11.... also the eve of the end of Ramadan

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