Monday, July 26, 2010

Question of the Day #5

Ok Fire Buffs.... put you're thinkin caps on.... Here Comes the QOD #5

Who was considered to be the first fire chief in US history?

A. Jacobus Stoutenburgh

B. Benjamin Franklin

C. Jacobus Turck

D. Thomas Atkins

Answer Posted Below.....

Who was considered to be the first fire chief in US history?

A. Jacobus Stoutenburgh

During 1761, Jacobus Stoutenburgh became the head of the volunteer fire department for New York City. His title was “Overseer of Fire Engines The department was reorganized I 1762 and Stoutenburgh's title was changed to "Engineer," then to "Chief Engineer" in later that year and finally in 1763, "Chief." (This was the first time any firefighter in the U.S. was officially known by the rank of chief.) The rank of chief soon became popular with fire departments throughout the country, and the association of the speaking trumpet and a fire officer was starting. The earliest mention of trumpets in New York City was in 1752, when Jacobus Turck, who was in charge of the department at that time, was authorized "to purchase six small speaking-trumpets for the use of the Corporation." The first trumpets were made of tin and were painted. The officers called cadence through the trumpets to keep the men on the hand pumpers in time on the noisy fireground. The trumpets soon were being made from brass and were being presented as gifts to members of the department. Chief Officers used them for overall command at the scene of working fires. They also became part of the elaborate uniforms of the volunteer firemen. The speaking trumpet was in use for many years as a communication device. It has carried on to this day in a small way as an insignia of rank in most departments - one trumpet for lieutenant, two for a captain, and crossed gold trumpets up to five in number to signify chief of department.


  1. C'mon! Let's see some comments! :-)

  2. Franklin. He has a portrait with a white helmet.
